pack it up pack it in
well, as my time here in brazil dwindles (one more week) i find myself getting more and more emotional. so far i haven't really been crying because i'm leaving, but more so because i don't what i'm stepping into...God has been so faithful to use this last week to continue to reveal the insecurities of my heart to me and help me to bring those things to Him...learning to trust Him with my deepest hurts and fears...
so, today i pretty much finished "packing" all my stuff...i feel like i'm taking so little back to America and i'm actually fine with that...i like the feeling of having less crap/junk in my life, but it is weird to see all my stuff laid out for others to pick the beginning of saying goodbye.
i got some sun today which was one of my goals for these last 3 weeks here (yes, very deep i know!), but i'm afraid i'm getting to my departure date and i'm not taking advantage of EVERYTHING...the brazilian sky, the city, my friends, my church, the smells, foods, culture, all the things i'll miss and don't even realize it yet...more reasons to trust Jesus i guess.
well, guys in America, i'm a coming and i'm excited to see what God has in store there...i'll need you and i can't wait to be with you again!
gente aqui no Brasil, vou sentir a sua falta demais e mesmo que esteja longe, preciso de vocês e quero continuar nas amizades preciosas que Deus tem me dado em vocês...te amo!