Monday, January 02, 2006

Last Days of 2005...nothing boring here!

Well, the last weeks and days of 2005 proved to be full ones...I visited many cities, 3 CO Christmas Conferences and 3 states in 2 weeks and got to catch up with a lot of old and dear friends. God really used my travels to renew my vision and remind me of what's really important to me and most importantly what's important to Him. I feel like my heart has been refreshed with the gospel and encouraged by the lives of so many friends who are walking with Jesus and experiencing the trials and errors, the up and downs, the battles wounds and victories of this life. Face to Face was the theme of one conference I went to and that's what I feel happened: I came Face to Face with Jesus and I walk away with hope and desire.

The last night of 2005 was also spent with old and new friends here in Atlanta...we rang in the New Year with a bang....

Mac (new friend), Rachel, Kristy, Boojie, yours truly and Paige

As I think back over the last, it's amazing all that has happened, all the places God has taken me - both geographically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. I can only be thankful. It's been a tough year, perhaps one of the hardest yet, but I don't think I've ever been so convinced of God's love for me and for that I wouldn't change a thing! In all the bits of pain and dissapointment, I see love and hope and growth shining through.

My hope for 2006 is that it would be just as lively, just as transforming, just as life-giving even if it cost just as much.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Helga, it is always good to see pics of you and your friends over there in the US!! I'm glad you're having a good time... I'm just a little worried about your return. R U really coming back or decided to abandon us? Anyways, just wanted to write and say that I didn't forget about you and that everybody is missing you down here. Um grande abraço para uma grande pessoa e amiga,

1/08/2006 9:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eu estou ficando meio viciada em ler seu blog! É sempre bom ouvir de você, e é sempre encorajador ouvir (bom, no caso ler...) seus pensamentos. Você devia considerar sobre escrever um livro. De verdade. Beijo e espero que a gente se veja em breve.

1/09/2006 6:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I need some more updates!!

1/09/2006 5:33 PM  

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