beluga whales and other fish tales

If I had the ability to communicate in words the wonder of what I experienced at the new Georgia Aquarium (the world's largest!) I would write an incredible book. But, I'm not sure anyone can put such majesty into words.
I can only tell you that as I sat feet from these creatures I was in utter amazement. I was in awe. They are awesome beings and I couldn't help but think of God creating these odd fish. I saw creatures I never imagined existed and I touched ones I never thought I'd even see. My mind kept thinking on how God created these for His pleasure. God must just sit back and delight in His creation. It is amazing after all.
And just now as I'm typing this I remember that God said in Genesis that all His creation was "good", but when He made man it was "very good." Wow. God sees us (and we know how screwed up we are) and takes delight in us - His most prized and precious creation. Wow.
Okay, I'm amazed once again. Need to ponder that one more like I pondered those whale sharks and beluga awe of them and of their Maker.
You should make that black and white and frame it. Gorgeous picture!
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