Jesus, Lover of My (Emotionally Insane) Soul
Well, between having a birthday (the first one to ever get to me...and boy did it), pms-ing severely and having some pretty stressful relational things going on, I just made it thru one of the most emotionally charged and draining weeks of my life. Well, that might be a slight exaggeration, but it wasn't fun to say the least...for me or anyone around me I'm sure.
So, today as I was sitting in church, the following words were on the overhead and everyone was singing and worshiping. I just had to sit and take them in. I immediately thought, "I must keep those words somewhere"; so, here they are...may they be a constant reminder not only to myself but to anyone who happens upon them here of the reality of grace and love and hope and rest that we have in Jesus. This morning I was fully aware of my utter need for this reality...
"Jesus, lover of my soul
Let me to Thy bosom fly
While the nearer waters roll
While the tempest still is high
Hide me, O my Savior hide
Til the storm of life is past
Safe into the haven guide
O, receive my soul at last
Other refuge have I none
Hangs my helpless soul on Thee
Leave, oh leave me not alone
Still support and comfort me
All my trust on Thee is stayed
All my help from Thee I bring
Cover my defenseless head
With the shadow of Thy wing
Thou, O Christ are all I want
More than all in Thee I find
Raise the fallen, cheer the faint
Heal the sick and lead the blind
Just and holy is Thy name
I am all unrighteousness
False and full of sin I am
Thou are full of truth and grace"
that is really pretty heather. i hope thing are better...
who dat?
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